Jon Harrison
Jon’s mission is to transform workplace cultures into positive, thriving entities. For over thirty years, he has touched the lives of thousands of employees across the world and driven increased performance for the organizations in which they worked. Early in his career at Caterpillar Inc., a Fortune 100 company, Jon was recognized for his leadership approach and people skills, and the ability to drive bottom line results. Over the last half of his career, Jon was tasked with leading and transforming under-performing entities around the globe into thriving businesses. Some of his accomplishments include: leading the revival of an underperforming facility in Melbourne, Australia and overseeing the restructuring of a joint venture and company culture for thousands of employees in Japan. In his last assignment, Jon led the startup of a $180 million state-of-the art manufacturing facility in Little Rock, AR. It was during his time at Caterpillar that Jon saw first-hand how disengaged employees not only affect the bottom line of a business, they also experience having a lack of purpose, physical and emotional health issues, and negative relationships with family and friends. Jon’s definition of success goes well beyond just improving the bottom line of an organization; it also focuses on improving both the work and home lives of the people in the organization. Jon has proven that long-term sustainable success is driven by four factors: establishing high behavior and performance expectations, hiring the right people who align with those expectations, holding everyone accountable to the expectations, and measuring the impact of the work culture on an ongoing basis. After seeing first-hand the impact that a high expectations/values-based work environment had on people’s lives and business results, Jon felt called to help other organizations and people achieve the same results. In 2011, Jon did just that by taking a leap of faith, leaving his executive life behind, and starting his own firm. Jon’s firm addresses the issue of “disengaged employees” head-on and shares his simple and proven method to organizations via training, advising and one-on-one coaching. His clients include CEO’s, executives, front-line leaders and individual employees from small businesses to large global corporations. Jon holds a BS in Business Economics from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and is a graduate of the Advanced Management Program at Duke University. Jon and his wife have three daughters, three son-in-laws and four grandchildren. He lives on a small farm setting that he and his wife have restored over the years to share with and bless people from all walks of life. The driving forces in Jon’s life are his faith, family and friends.

Meet Our Team
Our core team is deeply committed to our mission, doing all that is needed to bring The VIP Way curriculum and concepts to organizations who have a desire to develop a work environment that impacts lives in amazing ways.
Every member of the JH team is from the "real world", and share from the heart what they have learned in implementing The VIP Way concepts in their organizations and personal lives. These amazing people assist our core team in both behind the scenes and client-facing efforts as needed.

Melissa Dunn
Managing Director

Madeline Baker
Communications and Branding Manager

Jason Stone
Business Manager

Breanna Wells
Creative Director

Jen Harrison